Si te congelas mañana, regresa

Alguien me dijo que Depeche Mode vendrá al Foro Sol acompañado por Ladytron, de ser así, los quiero ver en octubre, en una fecha muy cercana a mi cumpleaños. "Tomorrow", mi canción favorita de Ladytron pertenece a Velocifero, un disco de ambientes gélidos y mecanizados, aunque en especial este corte es cálido, elegante y con texturas tan delicadas como los cuerpos de las integrantes de esta banda que toma el nombre de una canción de Roxy Music.

El video es un tema aparte: las chicas Ladytron toman un tema por demás antaño, el de las ninfas, y lo transportan a un mundo "abismal", como lo define mi amigo Alez al describir la portada del single; esta palabra es adecuada para describir "Tomorrow", tanto por las sensaciones visuales, autitivas y hasta tactiles, como por las emociones que causan las tecnologías que le sirven de trasfondo a la canciones de Ladytron.

Disfrútenla, entren en su propio abismo.


I don't hate you, or want you
Enough to wake you.
There's a crack in the window
Return off the key in ignition.

So if you freeze tomorrow
Come back
We saw that your eyes were closing.

There's a crack in the window
Return off the key in ignition.
But I don't hate you, or want you,
or celebrate you.

So if you freeze tomorrow
Come back
We saw that your eyes were closing.

So if you freeze tomorrow
Come back
We saw that your eyes were closing.

But I don't hate you, or want you,
enough to wake you.

So if you freeze tomorrow
Come back
We saw that your eyes were closing.

So if you freeze tomorrow
Come back
We saw that your eyes were closing.
We saw that your eyes were closing.
We saw that your eyes were closing.
We saw that your eyes were closing.
We saw that your eyes were closing.
So if you freeze tomorrow
Come back


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